Foods That Lower LDL Cholesterol Naturally
Lowering LDL cholesterol is one the the most sought after goals of many individuals after getting a call from their doctor telling them their LDL is way too high. The good news is there is a lot that can be done to improve the situation by eating certain foods that are scientifically suggested to decrease LDL cholesterol.
In the short video above I list 10 specific foods that have shown good evidence by scientists to potentially help lower plaque forming [bad] LDL cholesterol. Click start on the video now to receive all the details regarding this life changing information immediately!
Sweden's Uppsala University published a systematic review of accumulated evidence in the Nutrition Metabolic Cardiovascular Disease Journal (2021 May). The title of the review study is The Effects of Foods on LDL Cholesterol Levels. The authors reveal which foods have the most promising potential to lower LDL cholesterol. Based on the confidence of evidence they list the foods which appear to reduce "bad" cholesterol.
In order to help illustrate which foods show the greatest evidence in reducing cholesterol and which inversely raise LDL please refer to the image below graciously shared by the authors of the study linked above.

The chart below shows which foods have a greater propensity to increase LDL cholesterol and which foods decrease LDL. The bigger circled foods show the greatest amount of evidence and confidence in doing so.
In the video above I reveal the top 10 foods that decrease LDL cholesterol. Don't miss out on this information packed video and make sure you listen to the end when I reveal it's more than just these top 10 cholesterol reducing foods you need to be focused on. Also, please note, I have an amazing useful 100% FREE gift I'm offering to those who empower themselves by watching this short video.
Cheers to impressing your doctor the next time you get your LDL cholesterol labs!
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