How To Lose Fat And Not Muscle While Dieting
How To Lose Fat And Not Muscle While Dieting
Too many weight loss seekers focus on one thing and one thing only - the scale. The lower the number the better, no matter what.
The only problem is most people have no idea that along with losing fat while in a consistent caloric deficit, metabolically active muscle is also shed.
Some individuals say it's ok as long as the scale is lower. Hold on a second... That's not the most effective way on how to lose fat and keep it off. The more calorie burning muscle that is lost along with fat has consequences you may not be aware of.
- Your metabolism will decrease making it easier to gain unwanted body fat back in the future.
- You lose strength in terms of function and body shape aesthetics.
Therefore, it's important to know exactly how to lose fat and not muscle while dieting. In the video above I reveal exactly what to do in order to lose fat and not muscle while dieting. Click the start button in the video above to discover everything you must know.
How To Lose Fat And Not Muscle

How To Lose Fat And Not Muscle While Dieting
Here are a few tips shared in the video above.
Of course, watch the video first because I go into even more detail.
- Be in a consistent (moderate) caloric intake. Cutting calories too much is not what you want.
- Incorporate progressive resistance training into your nutrition program.
- Eat an adequate amount of high quality protein each and every day to help maintain metabolically active muscle tissue.
Watch the video above now to discover exactly how to lose fat and not muscle while dieting.
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