What Type Of Foods To Eat To Lose Weight
What Type of Foods To Eat To Lose Weight?
One of the first questions I usually get from clients is about what type of foods to eat to lose weight. They always want a direct and specific answer - the solution. After I tell them what they really want to hear I always suggest a better way to look at this important question.
When people get the response to eat protein, vegetables, fruits, and drink water they think it's way too simple. Is it really that simple? Not so fast!

What type of foods to eat to lose weight?
Providing the simple weight loss solution mentioned above will generally set most good intentioned clients up for failure long term. Why? Because if they don't exactly follow the the suggested foods to a"T", then guilt results. This guilt can lead to frustration which sabotages progress. It's extremely hard to be 100% perfect in following protein, vegetables, fruit, and water all the time.
Instead of giving clients what type of foods to eat to lose weight I prefer giving them a simple system that works so much better.
In the video above, I explain this powerful system of eating to lose weight. Click the start button now to watch this informative video.
Go ahead and follow this system and let me know how it goes. I know you will be pleased!
Thank you for taking the time to watch this video! For my appreciation, I have a very special 100% FREE REPORT I would like to empower you with - Fat Loss Forever: The Top 7 Ways To Prime Your Brain Into Permanent Fat Loss. Simply click the like above for free access. Enjoy!
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